How Long Do Horses Live?

By |2023-09-29T23:50:58+00:00May 29, 2023|blog|

The United States has the most horses in the world! Around 18% or 10.2 million horses reside in our beautiful nation. Horses, majestic and captivating creatures, have played an integral role in human history for centuries. From serving as transportation and labor to becoming beloved companions and athletes, horses have left an indelible mark on various aspects of human society. As caretakers of [...]

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Pet Grief: How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

By |2023-04-08T00:21:11+00:00April 3, 2023|blog|

As a pet owner, you’ll likely understand and agree that 88% of pet owners say their furry friends are a part of their family. This is why losing a pet can be heartbreaking, especially if you’ve spent many years together.  As an owner, it’s hard to find the words to describe the grief of saying goodbye to your beloved companion. Whether you experience [...]

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What to Do With the Ashes After Pet Cremation

By |2023-04-08T00:19:50+00:00March 6, 2023|blog|

A staggering 90 million American households have pets, which means many of us must eventually plan how to handle their passing.  Figuring out how to handle your pet’s ashes is essential to immortalizing them and celebrating the bond you shared. But, if you’ve never considered the possibilities, you could choose an option that doesn’t best align with your needs. Maybe that’s why you’re here; [...]

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What Is Involved in the Pet Cremation Process?

By |2023-04-08T00:18:29+00:00February 6, 2023|blog|

The numbers indicate that many people prefer cremation over other options. Every year, people in the United States spend over $3 billion on cremation services. More than 18,000 people in the country work in this industry to help us say goodbye to loved ones who have passed on. This includes beloved pets as well as human beings. Many people who are familiar with the [...]

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How to Choose Pet Cremation Services: Everything You Need to Know

By |2023-04-08T00:17:22+00:00January 2, 2023|blog|

During a survey of 2043 dog and/or cat owners, 68% of them had decided to cremate a previous pet. This may indicate that pet cremation is becoming more popular over time. If so, many more pet cremation services will appear soon. This will make it harder for pet owners such as yourself to choose pet cremation services that offer high-quality work. Luckily, however, there [...]

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Pet Cremation Services: How it Works and What to Expect

By |2022-11-22T20:59:09+00:00November 22, 2022|blog|

Did you know that 70% of households in the United States own a pet? Everyone with a furry companion thinks about that sad day when we have to say goodbye. We must choose between pet cremation and traditional burial for our beloved animals. Unfortunately, this is often while we're grieving, which makes it even more difficult to decide. Losing a pet never gets [...]

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How Much Does Horse Cremation Cost?

By |2022-07-15T19:12:28+00:00July 15, 2022|blog|

About 4,500 years ago, humans decided that domesticating horses was far more beneficial than hunting horses for food. These humans lived in the Don-Volga region of what is now Russia. That decision changed the course of human evolution. Horses became a fundamental part of human life. Horses carried people over long distances and helped establish trade routes. Horses accompanied warriors onto the battlefield. [...]

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